Friday, November 30, 2012
Arduino Dual LED Blink Code
int lg = 13; int lr = 12; int d = 300;
void setup(){pinMode(lg,OUTPUT);pinMode(lr,OUTPUT);}
void gron(){digitalWrite(lg,HIGH);}
void grof(){digitalWrite(lg,LOW); }
void rdon(){digitalWrite(lr,HIGH);}
void rdof(){digitalWrite(lr,LOW); }
void loop(){
Diary Of A Madman Episode 1
All efforts seem pointless now. Not depressed, not happy, just numb. I'm tired of waiting for the next nothing to happen. Have you ever sat on the shore? Have you seen the sea swallow the moon? A group of neophytes humble themselves quietly to the sound of "Ia Ia",
Hidden among the basalt halls hieroglyphics tell the tale. As aeons pass the cosmos coincide with the proper alignment, the dead cephalopod wakes from dream, awakens from his lucid death to reward those who follow his madness. Enthralled with the descent into the infinite recursion that is that mystery, we are not to be acknowledged. Ignorance of existance is the reward. "Ia Ia Cthulhu Ftagn" the call of these esoteric neophytes descended from the order of Dagon.
Far flung anti-anthopocentric ideals that send chills down the collective spine of humanity. Watch on as the christians gnash their teeth and the atheists have the gods dropped upon them and pray they will treat them well enough to despise them. To caress the outer film upon the embryo of the mind is to converse with god. A gentle breeze transposing images of the wrinkled surface of our egos; pregnant with connotations of joy.
My First Arduino Micro & Breadboard Basic LED Project
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Ex-Malware Developer Speaks At DEFCON
Front Line Assembly Plasticity ('Zero' by Haujobb)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
UC Davis Pepper Spray Full Video
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
FOX Imagination Killer Fail
1/12 Scale Fully Functional Transformer Robot
.bashrc Tweaks
ls Aliases
These are especially handy when used in conjunction with other bash tools like sed and awk
[sourcecode language="bash"]
alias ll="ls -l --group-directories-first"
alias ls='ls -hF --color'
alias la='ls -Al'
alias lx='ls -lXB'
alias lk='ls -lSr'
alias lc='ls -ltcr'
alias lu='ls -ltur'
alias lt='ls -ltr'
alias lm='ls -al |more'
alias lr='ls -lR'
The Shred Bomb
This is extremely handy if you're either anal retentive about trash files or paranoid o_0 The first alias passes some flags to shred that cause it to annihilate a single file. The function I wrote below it recursively does the same with a whole directory, very fun to watch in a terminal.
[sourcecode language="bash"]
alias shred="sudo shred -vxuz -n33"
function shredd() {
if [ -z "$1" ]
for file in ./*
if [ -d $file ]
cd $file
cd "../"
rmdir $prevdir
shred $file
for file in $1
if [ -d $file ]
cd $file
cd "../"
rmdir $prevdir
shred $file
rmdir $initdir
The unzip alias is for all those people tired of remembering which flags tar needs for a tar.gz or bz2 archives, yes I'm lazy. cleanpics wipes all exif meta data from jpg files, great for pics off your phone you want to sanitize.
[sourcecode language="bash"]
alias unzip='atool -x'
alias cleanpics='exiftool -all= *.jpg; rm *.jpg_original;'
Some of these may not work until you install the proper packages but that's as easy as a sudo apt-get install shred. Have fun.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Arduino Micro Line Following Robot
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Smoke in the wind soars icarus, he's lifted
He flies quite high, you know that he's gifted
Grasping the clouds unaware of his fall
Haughtily elevated, curiosity calls
And pleasures unnamed he knows for a while
Then the agony begins and his throat fills with bile
He aims for the sun with wings held aloft
But the connections all fail as the wax became soft
Then down hurdles Icarus, towards Gaia he falls
The wraiths take no notice amidst their bleak halls
In his dire need for the divine in his grasp
He overlooked one, just one tiny clasp
The clasp of restraint betwixt wax and the wings
His fate he has sealed knowing not what it brings
Not discerning the entrance, nor where he has gone
From ignorance of action, he no longer belongs
His soul ever tortured because of his choices
The lamentations quite lost in the din of their voices
Such ends the sad tale of Icarus the proud
Oh such a tragedy, he oft cried aloud
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Israel Palestine Cease Fire... How Long?
A ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel has been delayed indefinitely as Israel has not yet responded to proposals for the Egyptian-brokered truce. Hamas says a deal still can be reached within the next 24 hours.
The leader of Hamas, Ezzat al-Rishq, said that the movement has not yet received any response to the proposals put before the Israeli authorities, and that it might take another day to reach a deal.
"The truce is now held up because we are waiting for the Israeli side to respond,” Rishq told Reuters. "We … must wait until tomorrow."
[sourcecode language="php"]
<?php $l=33;$h=126;$n="\n";
for ($a=$l;$a<=$h;$a++) echo chr($a).$n;
for ($a=$l;$a<=$h;$a++) for ($b=$l;$b<=$h;$b++) echo chr($a).chr($b).$n;
for ($a=$l;$a<=$h;$a++) for ($b=$l;$b<=$h;$b++) for ($c=$l;$c<=$h;$c++) echo chr($a).chr($b).chr($c).$n;
for ($a=$l;$a<=$h;$a++) for ($b=$l;$b<=$h;$b++) for ($c=$l;$c<=$h;$c++) for ($d=$l;$d<=$h;$d++) echo chr($a).chr($b).chr($c).chr($d).$n;
for ($a=$l;$a<=$h;$a++) for ($b=$l;$b<=$h;$b++) for ($c=$l;$c<=$h;$c++) for ($d=$l;$d<=$h;$d++) for ($e=$l;$e<=$h;$e++) echo chr($a).chr($b).chr($c).chr($d).chr($e).$n;
Norwegian Rebel
Ruby png Manipulation
[sourcecode language="ruby"]
require 'rubygems'
require 'png'
def f(x,y)
((x^y) & ((y-350) >> 3 )) ** 2
canvas =
0.upto(499) do |y|
0.upto(499) do |x|
if ((f(x,y) >> 12) & 1) == 1
canvas[x,499-y] = PNG::Color::Black
canvas[x,499-y] = PNG::Color::White
png = 'ruby.png'
Hak5 - Occupineapple
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Data is Code and Code is Data
So I was reading a really good article on The Nature of Lisp and came across a really interesting concept. In the article Slava Akhmechet gives an example of some pretty simple xml data like so.
[sourcecode language="xml"]
<todo name="housework">
<item priority="high">Clean the house.</item>
<item priority="medium">Wash the dishes.</item>
<item priority="medium">Buy more soap.</item>
Nothing crazy just a todo list that could very easily be parsed and displayed in an app. Now let's step back for a second and consider a big hypothetical. Let's pretend us humans in our physical existence were controlled by computers. Now that we've brought this data into a different context we can see that this "data" could just as easily be code. When we look at a todo list we are basically looking at a set of instructions or code. Take Slava's more apparent second xml example.
[sourcecode language="xml"]
<define-function return-type="int" name="add">
<param type="int">arg1</param>
<param type="int">arg2</param>
<add value1="arg1" value2="arg2" />
Now this is starting to look a bit more like a set of instructions and thats because it is. This could have just as easily been written in php as
[sourcecode language="php"]
function add($arg1, $arg2) {return $arg1 + $arg2;}
My first thoughts seeing this was that xml could very well be an amazing platform for portable code, I'm speaking language portability here. A short scenario of the usefulness of this would go like this. I write an app in C and want to port the logic over to a web app. Instead of completely reverse engineering the C into php, I take my C source code pass it though a parser and spits out a highly formalized xml file that can then have the reverse process done on the php side. Mind you it would be a bit of an undertaking to create the xml specifications well enough to take into account the nuances of the many languages it may be de-parsed into, but the benefits would be enormous. Reusability of code is always an issue, no one likes spending 6 months on a project only to have their boss change they're mind last minute and drop the project (true story). Just some food for thought, all you programmers out there get crackin' .I expect to see the specs by next year...