Wednesday, January 9, 2013

“Papertab” Paper Tablet Is Your Flexible Friend

“Papertab” Paper Tablet Is Your Flexible Friend

Bending the corner up or down allows you to “turn” pages back and forward, which is nice, but perhaps more interesting is the idea of combining multiple Papertabs (ten and upwards), with each showing different documents or running different apps. The Papertabs are designed to keep track of their location relative to other Papertabs, so you can show larger images by putting one next to another and having the image display across both. Take a look at the video below to see it in action.

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1 comment:

  1. [...] Bending the corner up or down allows you to “turn” pages back and forward, which is nice, but perhaps more interesting is the idea of combining multiple Papertabs (ten and upwards), with each showi...  [...]
