Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Philly Cop Acquitted Of Punching Woman At Puerto Rican Parade

Swipe A Beer Bottle... Accidentally Hit... Sorry, Video Doesn't Lie

PHILADELPHIA — Triggering a deafening eruption of cheers from a courtroom packed with scores of Philadelphia police, a city judge Tuesday found former police Lt. Jonathan Josey not guilty of simple assault for swinging at and decking a woman during an unruly street party after last year's Puerto Rican Parade.

Municipal Court Judge Patrick F. Dugan said he remained troubled by Josey's conduct on the 10-second video that shows Josey hit Aida Guzman from behind and knock her to the ground during the Sept. 30 incident.

Dugan, however, cited Josey's testimony that the 19-year decorated police veteran was trying to swipe a beer bottle from Guzman's hand and accidentally hit her. Josey said he acted in the context of an escalating melee in which some spectators were throwing beer bottles at police trying to arrest a driver doing "donuts" in the middle of the intersection.

Full Article at The Morning Call

When You Program Microsoft, You're Programming Communism

When You Program Microsoft, You're Programming Communism

Chinese Environmentalist Beaten With Batons For Five Hours After Bringing Attention To River Pollution

The Offer

[caption align="aligncenter" width="500"]Chinese River PollutionYes, that's a river[/caption]

A Zhejiang entrepreneur is offering a 200,000 yuan reward to a senior official if he swims in a polluted river for 20 minutes, as part of an attempt to draw attention to the environmental plight in China's eastern province.

Jin Zengmin, chief executive of a Hangzhou eyeglasses retailer, announced the reward on China’s Twitter-like social website on Saturday.

“If the environmental protection bureau chief dares to swim in [Ruian's] river for 20 minutes, I will pay [him] 200,000 yuan [HK$246,000],” Jin wrote on Sina Weibo.

In three photos Jin posted, a river in small-town Ruian is seen entirely blocked by floating rubbish. Jin blamed a rubber overshoe factory for dumping industrial waste into the river.

This river was where villagers used to wash vegetables and clothes in his childhood, Jin told

Full Article at South China Morning Post

The Response

Chen Yuqian, a 60-year-old resident of Pailian village in Zhejiang province

Chen Yuqian, a 60-year-old resident of Pailian village in Zhejiang province, was one of at least three concerned citizens who last week called on Chinese environmental officials to brave the rivers they were supposed to be keeping clean.

A businessman from the same province vowed to pay 200,000 yuan (around £20,000) to his local environmental protection chief if he dared bathe in a rubbish-clogged river near Rui'an City.

Mr Chen, a farmer who has spent the last decade fighting pollution, posted his challenge on the internet, hoping it would trigger government action.
Instead, his daughter says he was severely beaten by a gang of baton-wielding men at around 6am last Sunday.

"My father was alone at home," said 32-year-old Chen Xiufang. "Some 40 people turned up in plain clothes, some holding batons. The only thing they said was: "[You] used the internet, you always use the internet!"

Full Article at The Telegraph UK

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nestle CEO Says Water Isn’t A Human Right

Water Theft

In a candid interview for the documentary We Feed the World, Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck makes the astonishing claim that water isn’t a human right. He attacks the idea that nature is good, and says it is a great achievement that humans are now able to resist nature’s dominance. He attacks organic agriculture and says genetic modification is better.

Nestle is the world’s biggest bottler of water. Brabeck claims – correctly – that water is the most important raw material in the world. However he then goes on to say that privatisation is the best way to ensure fair distribution. He claims that the idea that water is a human right comes from “extremist” NGOs. Water is a foodstuff like any other, and should have a market value.

He believes that the ultimate social responsibility of any CEO is to make as much profit as possible, so that people will have jobs.
And just to underline what a lovely man he is, he also thinks we should all be working longer and harder.

Consequences of water privatisation

The consequences of water privatisation have been devastating on poor communities around the world. In South Africa, where the municipal workers’ union SAMWU fought a long battle against privatisation, there has been substantial research (pdf) about the effects. Water privatisation lead to a massive cholera outbreak in Durban in the year 2000.

The Nestle boycott

Nestle already has a very bad reputation among activists. There has been a boycott call since 1977. This is due to Nestle’s aggressive lobbying to get women to stop breastfeeding – which is free and healthy – and use infant formula (sold by Nestle) instead. Nestle has lobbied governments to tell their health departments to promote formula. In poor countries, this has resulted in the deaths of babies, as women have mixed formula with contaminated water instead of breastfeeding.

Tell Nestle they are wrong – water is a human right

There is Europe-wide campaign to tell the European Commission that water is a human right, and to ask them to enact legislation to ensure this is protected.

If you live in Europe, please Sign the petition here.


New York "Cannibal Cop" Accused Of Using Police Database To Make A List Of Targets To Kill And Eat

New York 'Cannibal Cop' Gilberto Valle

The estranged wife of New York’s so-called Cannibal Cop took to the witness stand yesterday, on the first day of her estranged husband’s conspiracy to kidnap trial.

Kathleen Mangan-Valle described how former NYPD officer Gilberto Valle planned to tie her up by her feet, then slit her throat and “watch the blood rush” from her body.

She went on to say how she discovered her husband’s alleged plot to “slow cook” and eat over 100 women after finding graphic emails on his computer.

She also claims to have found images of naked, blood-soaked women on the computer, some of whom she believes were dead.

The 27-year-old described how life with the accused, who is charged with using police databases to make a list of targets as well as conspiracy to kidnap, used to be normal until “weird stuff started happening”.

She says Valle began asking for specific details of her jogging routes and expressed an interest in how well lit and busy they were.

She says it was around this time that she used spyware to access the 28-year-old’s computer, where she allegedly discovered plans to cook and eat women.

Ms Mangan-Valle told the court: “I was going to be tied up by my feet and my throat slit and they were going to watch the blood drain out of me.”

Full Article at The Independent UK

Zero Dark Thirty, the CIA and film critics have a very bad evening

Monday, February 25, 2013

Wall St. Sets Off Controversy Claiming The Average American Household Makes $650,000

While Wall St. has been playing the victim, demanding bailouts and special treatment within the U.S. judicial system (too big to fail), they also seemed to have time to show exactly how disconnected they are to the average American. A post made January 4, 2013 on The Wall Street Journal seems to have riled up quite a few people because of it's obviously naive viewpoint on the income of the majority of Americans. Here's the infographic they posted while moaning about their unfair taxation.

Wall St. Journal Wage Infographic

The article itself has to be just sickening for someone struggling to make ends meet. I myself consider myself lucky with the job I have and yet this pic enrages me. The average American probably makes less than what this "Infographic" shows them paying in taxes, hell the average Americans income is probably closer to the "increase in taxes" than the actual income shown here.

Of course, the article in the Wall Street Journal plays it out as if the "1% of taxpayers" are the ones suffering.

In the nick of time, and amid much political drama, Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act on New Year's Day—averting massive tax increases for nearly all earners that were slated to take effect Jan. 1.

Even so, millions of people soon will feel something less than relief from the new law.

The bill approved in Congress to avert the fiscal cliff would bring the first major tax increase on high earners in 20 years. Laura Saunders breaks down how new tax increases will impact across different tax brackets.

While the top 1% of taxpayers will bear the biggest burden, many other families, affluent and poor, will pay more as well.

The most immediate change affects nearly all workers: Congress allowed a two-percentage-point cut for the employee portion of the Social Security tax to expire. As a result, each will owe up to $2,425 more in payroll tax this year than in 2012.

Fortunately we have people out there like Matthew Gray [MIT] that are checking facts and calling bullshit on this.

I believe I was able to determine an answer from the 2011 American Community Survey microdata. First limiting to households composed exclusively of children and a single parent (as depicted), gets you down to 6.5 million households. (Sanity check: Wikipedia cites about 13 million single-parent households, but that includes those with other adults present, and the microdata shows an equal number of single-parent households with a single adult and multiple adults.)

Further restricting to single parent with 2 children, exactly, gets you down to 2.1 million households.

Limiting to those with an income of $260,000 or more, leaves you with 9,489 households total, or the top 0.4% of single-parent two-children household incomes. Median income for this demographic is $23,400. 90th percentile is $70k, and 95th percentile is $94k.

The internet has also been quite vocal about this spurious and offensive article

Huffington Post - The Wall Street Journal Doesn't Actually Know Any Middle-Class Americans


American Livewire - Wall Street Journal Baffles Americans With Tax Graphic

Daily KOS - Revealed: The Wall Street Journal Has No Idea What is Happening in America

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Arduino Basics - Speed Controlled RGB LED Array

The Schematic

Speed Controlled RGB LED Array

The Code

[sourcecode language="java"]
// p is our potentiometer
// r, g, & b our led's
int r=10,g=11,b=12,p=1,pval=0;
void setup(){
void loop(){
// read the potentiometer
// pass the value to cycle function
void cycle(int interval){
// map the pot value to something
// more managable
// write to serial for debugging
// flash values to rgb pins
void flashPin(int pin,int interval){
// turn led on
// read interval val from pot
// turn led off

The Implementation

Arduino Basics - Speed Controlled RGB LED Array

Darth & Vader - Return Of The Jedi

Darth & Vader - Return Of The Jedi

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Redditor Dstroyrofwrlds Posts Some Great Photos Of Swiss Carnival Fasnacht

Context as succinctly as possible: Starting as a pagan ritual, fasnacht is a carnival originally used to try and drive out (or scare out) the cold of Winter in Switzerland. Each Canton (states of Switzerland) has there own way of doing this. Then after Catholicism, It morphed somewhat into a political movement, where the masks that many people originally wore to scare off the cold, became a great way to protest the government under the anonymity of disguise. Basel and Liestal as far as I understand used to share the same celebration, but after the protestant reformation of 1520 Basel became officially Protestant, while Liestal stayed predominantly Catholic. Thus they separated their carnival... With Basler Fasnacht starting at 4:00AM the first Monday after Ash Wednesday, and Liestal starting the day before.

While Basler Fasnacht lasts 72 hours full of floats and masked marching bands. I find the Liestal Chienbäse celebration of a 2 hour fire parade down the tiny town hall street is too spectacular to beat. It takes hundreds of firefighters from around the country to provide the support to pull such a parade hundreds of locals carry large bushels of wood while ignited down the city street and through the city gate. The climax of course being when the large carriage bonfires (often so hot they melt clothing from several meters away) are rolled through the city as the flames often reach much, much higher then the height of the gate itself. Such a carriage is behind me in this photo.

You can check out the full Imgur gallery here


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Don't Trust Anyone You Meet Online

Cthulhu PSA

The Economic Collapse - Feeding The Homeless Banned In Major Cities All Over America

Feeding The Homeless Banned In Major Cities All Over America

Good Samaritans Turned Away

What would you do if you came across someone on the street that had not had anything to eat for several days? Would you give that person some food? Well, the next time you get that impulse you might want to check if it is still legal to feed the homeless where you live. Sadly, feeding the homeless has been banned in major cities all over America. Other cities that have not banned it outright have put so many requirements on those that want to feed the homeless (acquiring expensive permits, taking food preparation courses, etc.) that feeding the homeless has become "out of reach" for most average people. Some cities are doing these things because they are concerned about the "health risks" of the food being distributed by ordinary "do-gooders". Other cities are passing these laws because they do not want homeless people congregating in city centers where they know that they will be fed. But at a time when poverty and government dependence are soaring to unprecedented levels, is it really a good idea to ban people from helping those that are hurting?

But do we really want to have a nation where you have to get the permission of the government before you do good to your fellow man?

It isn't as if the government has "rescued" these homeless people. Homeless shelters all over the nation are turning people away each night because they have no more room. There are many homeless people that are lucky just to make it through each night alive during the winter.

Sometimes a well-timed sandwich or a cup of warm soup can make a world of difference for a homeless person. But many U.S. cities have decided that feeding the homeless is such a threat that they had better devote law enforcement resources to making sure that it doesn't happen.

This is so twisted. In America today, you need a "permit" to do almost anything. We are supposed to be a land of liberty and freedom, but these days government bureaucrats have turned our rights into "privileges" that they can revoke at any time.

The following are some of the major U.S. cities that have attempted to ban feeding the homeless....


Mayor Nutter recently banned feeding homeless people in many parts of Philadelphia where homeless people are known to congregate....

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has announced a ban on the feeding of large numbers of homeless and hungry people at sites on and near the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

Mayor Nutter is imposing the ban on all outdoor feedings of large numbers of people on city parkland, including Love Park and the Ben Franklin Parkway, where it is not uncommon for outreach groups to offer free food.

Nutter says the feedings lack both sanitary conditions and dignity.

[My Edit] And starving on the streets is dignified?


Last June, a group of activists down in Orlando, Florida were arrested by police for feeding the homeless in defiance of a city ordinance....

Over the past week, twelve members of food activist group Food Not Bombs have been arrested in Orlando for giving free food to groups of homeless people in a downtown park. They were acting in defiance of a controversial city ordinance that mandates permits for groups distributing food to large groups in parks within two miles of City Hall. Each group is allowed only two permits per park per year; Food Not Bombs has already exceeded their limit. They set up their meatless buffet in Lake Eola knowing that they would likely be arrested as a result.


Down in Houston, a group of Christians was recently banned from distributing food to the homeless, and they were told that they probably would not be granted a permit to do so in the future even if they applied for one....

Bobby and Amanda Herring spent more than a year providing food to homeless people in downtown Houston every day. They fed them, left behind no trash and doled out warm meals peacefully without a single crime being committed, Bobby Herring said.

That ended two weeks ago when the city shut down their "Feed a Friend" effort for lack of a permit. And city officials say the couple most likely will not be able to obtain one.

"We don't really know what they want, we just think that they don't want us down there feeding people," said Bobby Herring, a Christian rapper who goes by the stage name Tre9.


Dallas has also adopted a law which greatly restricts the ability of individuals and ministries to feed the homeless....

A Dallas-area ministry is suing the city over a food ordinance that restricts the group from giving meals to the homeless.

Courts dismissed Dallas’ request for a summary judgment last week, saying the case, brought up by pastor Don Hart (in video above) may indeed be a violation of free exercise of religion, as protected by the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the blog Religion Clause reported.

In the court filing, the ministry leaders argue that their Christian faith requires them to share meals with the homeless (Jesus did!) and that the requirement that even churches and charities provide toilets, sinks, trained staff and consent of the city keeps them from doing so.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas
A few years ago, Las Vegas became the first major U.S. city to specifically pass a law banning the feeding of homeless people....

Las Vegas, whose homeless population has doubled in the past decade to about 12,000 people in and around the city, joins several other cities across the country that have adopted or considered ordinances limiting the distribution of charitable meals in parks. Most have restricted the time and place of such handouts, hoping to discourage homeless people from congregating and, in the view of officials, ruining efforts to beautify downtowns and neighborhoods.

But the Las Vegas ordinance is believed to be the first to explicitly make it an offense to feed “the indigent.”

That law has since been blocked by a federal judge, and since then many U.S. cities have been very careful not to mention "the indigent" or "the homeless" by name in the laws they pass that are intended to ban feeding the homeless.

New York City

New York City has banned all food donations to government-run homeless shelters because the bureaucrats there are concerned that the donated food will not be "nutritious" enough.

Yes, this is really true.

The following is from a recent Fox News article....

The Bloomberg administration is now taking the term “food police” to new depths, blocking food donations to all government-run facilities that serve the city’s homeless.

In conjunction with a mayoral task force and the Health Department, the Department of Homeless Services recently started enforcing new nutritional rules for food served at city shelters. Since DHS can’t assess the nutritional content of donated food, shelters have to turn away good Samaritans.

Full Article at The Economic Collapse

Bulgarian government quits after days of protests

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

LeakSource - White House Moves To Counter “Online Radicalization”, Free Speech Isn't So Free

United Corporations 2012 Terrorist ID Chart

The War of on Terror continues with a new grave threat – people writing things on the internet. The government is now trying to find ways to counter “online radicalization to violence” a phrase so broad it could mean practically anything.

Under the guise of curbing the “radicalization” of U.S. citizens and identifying and purging potentially violent persons from the Internet, the White House has initiated the creation of a new interagency working group to address what it calls a growing problem.

The White House issued a fact sheet delineating the broad objectives of the plan.

FACT SHEET: Working to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence in the United States

The interagency group will be headed by Quintan Wiktorowicz, the current White House senior director for community partnerships on the national security staff. The new group will be called The Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization and will be charged with the implementation of an Internet safety program to address online violent extremism.

Wiktorowiczs stated,

“Violent extremist groups ─ like Al Qaeda and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent “sovereign citizens” ─ are leveraging online tools and resources to propagate messages of violence and division. These groups use the Internet to disseminate propaganda, identify and groom potential recruits, and supplement their real-world recruitment efforts. Some members and supporters of these groups visit mainstream fora to see whether individuals might be recruited or encouraged to commit acts of violence, look for opportunities to draw targets into private exchanges, and exploit popular media like music videos and online video games. Although the Internet offers countless opportunities for Americans to connect, it has also provided violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.”

Shorter: the internet is gaining in power and we have not figured out a way to dominate it yet, this scares us.

But don’t worry according to the White House Fact Sheet the government will be “collaborating with industry” to help deal with the menace of free speech on the internet.

Collaborating with Industry: The Federal Government will collaborate with industry to explore how we might counter online violent extremism while protecting lawful Internet use and the civil liberties and privacy of individual users. Many companies have developed voluntary measures to promote Internet safety (such as fraud warnings, identity protection, and Internet safety tips), and we look forward to hearing their views about how we might apply similar measures to counter online radicalization to violence.

Big Government and Big Business working together, all to help us. This marriage of state and corporate power to regulate the internet sounds great doesn’t it? If only there was a name for such a system. In any case, allowing the government to work with industry to develop “countermeasures” to “radical” speech is a great way to protect all our freedom. What could go wrong?

Full Article at LeakSource

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Arduino Basics - Controlling A Servo Motor With A Potentiometer

Cautionary word of advice: the limits I set in the code are based on the thresholds of my particular servo motor, you may need to adjust them to avoid damaging your motor.
[sourcecode language="c"]
pval=map(pval,0,1023,0,165); // The 165 in here may need to be adjusted
// Default limits are 0 - 180
// See below code for details

The Circuit

Potentiometer Controlling a Servo Motor

The Code

[sourcecode language="c"]
#include <Servo.h>
Servo s;
int p = 0; // Potentiometer
int pval = 0;

void setup(){
void loop(){
pval=map(pval,0,1023,0,165); // <-- Adjust to motor thresholds
delay(10); // Smooth it a bit

Circuit Implementation

Servo Potentiometer Circuit Setup

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Anti-Piracy Group Being Sued By Pirate Bay For Stealing Their Site Design

Anti-Piracy Group Being Sued By Pirate Bay For Stealing Their Site Design

Finnish group the Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Centre (CIAPC) is being threatened with legal action from The Pirate Bay over an anti-piracy campaign, which copies the design of The Pirate Bay website.

CIAPC (who you may remember as being the organisation responsible for the PR triumph that was tracking down a nine-year-old girl and confiscating her Winnie the Pooh laptop) appears to have copied The Pirate Bay's site design to make a point about the availability of legal downloads. In case the fact that the links all flag up legal download sites doesn't make that obvious, there's also a picture of a sinking pirate ship in place of the usual Pirate Bay logo.

But by doing so, and by lifting The Pirate Bay's CSS, the group has violated The Pirate Bay's usage policy, which states that the site content may not be used by organisations without permission.

"We are outraged by this behaviour. People must understand what is right and wrong," a Pirate Bay spokesperson told TorrentFreak. "Stealing material like this on the internet is a threat to economies worldwide."

While the statement definitely has a tongue-in-cheek element, the group is using CIAPC's choice of aesthetic to make a serious point.

"We feel that we must make a statement and therefore we will sue them for copyright infringement," said The Pirate Bay spokesperson. "If not even IFPI [a music lobby group] and their friends can respect copyright, perhaps it's time to move on?"

Original Article at Wired

10yo's Laptop Confiscated

Pirate Bay AFK Documentary Full Version

Unpaid Web Designer Spills Client's Dirty Secrets On Their Own Site

Can be seen at right now.

Fitness Sf

Fitness Sf

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Posij - Empty Lungs


I Heard You Like Fire

I Heard You Like Fire

"Burn It Down" – Dorner's Hideout Deliberately Torched By LAPD As Dramatic Manhunt Ends

Dorner Assasinated

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner.

Dorner had been on the run since Tuesday, suspected of murdering three people in a dramatic shootout. He had been formally charged with the murder of a police officer. A car chase ensued, and he was momentarily the most wanted man in America. Police offered a $1 million dollar reward in the case after his burned-out truck was found on February 7 on a forested road near Big Bear Lake.

Dormer, a former police officer, had been untraceable since he first escaped, and was rumored to be exacting revenge for being fired from his job. He was first named a suspect in the February 3 shooting of the daughter of his police union representative and her fiancé on February. A manifesto attributed to him also appeared online.
The six-day manhunt – which included road blocks, bullets and helicopters covering the mountain town – came to a close on Tuesday night.

Original Article at RT News

Audio Recording Of Police Scanners As They Plan To Burn Down The Cabin

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fish - Smart New User Friendly Command Line Shell For OS X, Linux, & Nix Family OS'

I've just switched over officially. Until recently I've used bash almost exclusively and had minimal experience with korn shell and good ol' /bin/sh and had no interest in changing my default shell, most likely because of a lack of alternatives. Fish has provided that alternative. The enhanced tab completion/manpage integration sold me on it's own. It also has syntax highlighting and autosuggestions just from the short test drive I took it on was a joy to use. For the most part any bash or korn shell user will not be thrown off by anything and should be pleasantly surprised at the extra features. I haven't checked out all the goodies in this shell but they make it ridiculously easy to get all your docs in one place in html format by typing help at the prompt.

Fish Shell Homepage [download]

Alternative Download

If you're on a debian system you can just check your software manager for the .deb file and install from there.

Set Fish As Default Terminal

For those wishing to switch Fish to their default terminal just toss this in a terminal then reboot to load the new default.
[sourcecode language="bash"]
usermod -s /usr/bin/fish <username>

Fish Shell - Features

Sabrepulse- We Are Hi-Speed Tour Mix


Second Former LAPD Joe Jones Releases Peaceful Manifesto - Urges Dorner Not To Kill

Joe Jones

Joe Jones - Current
My Former LAPD Officer Joe Jones MANIFESTO...

I know most of you who personally who me are in disbelief of the partial story I will tell today. A story that has been suppressed for about 18 years, But lives strong everyday of my life.

I without hesitation would like to send my condolences to the Victims who were lost and their families during this tragic situation. I would also like to send my condolences and well wishes to the many former and current Officers, as well as Citizen's and their families who lost the lives and souls of loved one's to the injustices of Police Corruption, Scandal, Lies, Deception and Brutality.

Unlike Former Officer Dorner, I fear dying; But I also fear living in a society where Innocent people are dying for no reason. A society where pain so great can be afflicted to people who have to desire to live right and treat people right and then be punished for doing right.

They say we all look alike. In very few cases this of course is true. But in most cases it is not. I feel a resemblance to Dorner, (See Photos) However several people who have no resemblance to Dorner have been shot due to the fear of what is taking place. I DO NOT WANT TO BE SHOT FOR CRIMES I DID NOT COMMIT!. Neither does anyone else.

To preface my story I will say this: Just like former Officer Christopher Dorner I used to smile a lot. I loved everyone. I was voted Friendliest Senior of my Sr. Class in High School. I always believed in the system and never got into any trouble. I loved hard and gave to all I could. After Joining the LAPD in 1989 I quickly found out that the world and society had major flaws. I had flaws as well for ever believing that our system of government was obligated to do the right thing. his is what I believed as a young Officer. Without going into major detail, I need you to first assume that I would not surface 16 years later with lies about a situation that has me with PTSD to this very day. The pain forces me to speak as I have yet to shake the Ill's of my experience as an LAPD Officer. Of course I have moved on physically. But mentally and emotionally I still live with flaws.

I can't go into re-living the emotions of what I went through so I will say this. I had my home viciously attacked by a gunman with my family and myself inside the house. No arrests were made and my family and I Received very little support. I had my Civil Rights violated on several occasions. I was falsely arrested at gunpoint by the Sheriffs as an Officer who ID'd himself and was conspired against by both LAPD and the Sheriffs when my Civil case went to Trial. I was falsely accused on more than one occasion and simply placed in a position that the trust was so compromised that I could no longer wear the Uniform. Also know there were many more episodes. All of these issues are well documented and I present them not to be a Whistle blower, However to hope that one would not assume that all of what is being said is Lies as presented by Dorner. I don't know him, But I know me. I will say from my experience, If a person knows they were wrong it is easier to move on without anger. Seems that Dorner obviously could not move on... Could I just be content and move on with my life and not say anything? Yes...Then I would feel that I for once had my chance to speak on something that hurts me to this day and I did nothing to arouse thought or provoke reform. This is what I hope comes from this whole situation:

1. Families that lost someone to this tragedy find the peace that only God can give at this terrible time.

2. Citizens of Los Angeles be mindful of this fearful time to be an Officer and comply vigorously so that you are not the victim of an Officer on high alert.

3. Government and Politicians please be diligent in the responsibility of creating Laws that protect those who could be the victim of a conspiracy. Never allow the door to be shut on the Truth.

4. Honest and Fair LAPD & All Agencies: Keep doing what you are doing to protect citizens and be safe while you are doing so. We need you and I would hope that you do not allow the Bureaucratic drama and Stress to kill your morale as I know it can.

5. Unethical LAPD & all Agencies: Whatever is was that lead you down this path, Pray to somebody's God to forgive you and begin to remove unethical methods to your policing style. Always think what if it were you, How would you feel?..How would you like if you were falsely accused and your life, lively-hood and career was taken from you? How would you like if someone was beating on you just because they felt they could get away with it? You are no better the criminals you took and oath to arrest when you do what you do!

6. Chistopher Dorner. The 1st thing I would say to him is, I feel your pains!...But you are going about this the wrong way. To take innocent lives could never be the answer to anything. I say this as a Man who experienced the same pain, betrayal, anger, suffering, litigation and agony that you did in many ways, Only I didn't get Fired. I just choose to go a different route. My heart still suffered that same shock, I was still left to try and put the pieces back together. The disbelief that people could conspire and cause you to loose something you loved so dearly was still there. I lost my Career, I lost my Family, I lost my Dignity, I lost my Trust...But I am here now to hopefully one day see change...Bro, Don't kill anymore Innocent people. Your point has been made. Clearly. They know you mean business, The whole world knows. Refrain from any further wrong doing and do what you must to salvage your Soul. Whatever that means to you. Just remember that God is a forgiving God.

In conclusion I say to people who knew none of this about me that one day I will have to reflect on when was the time to speak. When I see the potential for innocent lives to be lost...The time is Now!...JJ

Joe Jone's Original Manifesto Post on Facebook

Anonymous Joins Growing Support Of Dorner In Exposing LAPD

Anonymous Is Now Backing Dorner In Exposing LAPD
Pastebins have recently been showing up with the hashtag #opDorner the past couple days showing Anonymous' support of Christopher Dorner. It's unclear at the time whether they are condoning the actions of the accused murderer or just using the situation as an outlet to expose LAPD corruption.

This one showed up February 8th on

#OpDorner Communique #1

Aaron Swartz Brigade

February 9, 2013

It says something that, more than 24 hours after a fed-up ex-cop who'd been run out of the LAPD for standing up to corruption and bigotry killed several people, we as a society have failed to achieve our usual post-shooting consensus. By now, we'd normally be wringing our hands over gun laws and mental illness as we reflected on the incident from the safe perspectve of history.

Now, though Dorner's still out there, and so we are not safe historical observers. We are ACTORS in the ongoing drama. The veneer of control and normalcy has been shattered; we've had enough time to digest what he's doing and why he's doing it, and we can no longer simply label him as a psycho and move on with our lives. Instead, as the LAPD's control has slipped, it has begun to show its true colors as a horrifyingly racist, incompetent, trigger-happy, and psychopathically violent institution, as they desperately mow down innocent black men and asian newspaper women. Protect and serve our asses; the LAPD is nothing more than a brual occupying army that deserves the same treatment as occupying American soldiers received on the streets of Falluja.

This is not a shooting spree. This is an insurrection. Stations, Anons!

We Do Not Forgive.
We Do Not Forget.
Expect Us.

Another was posted then appears to have been removed from pastebin shortly after.

Hello, officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, we are anonymous.

As national headlines regarding the vigilante acts of former LAPD officer Christopher Jordan Dorner continue to intensify, we have decided amongst ourselves to pursue an appropriate recourse.

And so we watched with dread and utter hilarity as the LAPD began to pursue this man.

However the department has proven once more that it is incapable of serving the public, look no further than to the women who became LAPD’s most recent victims. The two were shot without warning and were not even given the chance to surrender simply because LAPD thinks they are above the law.

No one is above the law.

In coordination with federal authorities, the LAPD is now conducting a massive manhunt for The Dark Knight Christopher Dorner, so that they may effectively silence him forever without due process.

And now since the authorization of drones have been approved for the first time ever to pursue and execute an American citizen on United States Soil, the US Government will stage this event to set a new precedent from which it can assassinate American citizens for little to no reason at all.

But do not misinterpret us for we do not condone the vicious acts that Dorner has allegedly partaken in. Instead we sympathize and resonate with his struggle. Dorner was not born a killer he was a law abiding citizen that was tainted by the corrupt and inhumane practices of the Los Angeles Police Department who serve only themselves.

We however do not accept this fate, and call upon our brothers to raise arms against the LAPD, for justice and for the lulz we will rise to disrupt, dismantle and dissect all aspects of the manhunt whilst revealing the LAPD’s unwarranted hypocrisy.

We are hated, vilified, and like Dorner, considered to be enemies to the state. But there are those who whisper that we are culture and a necessity that bring truth to a cloaked world. In this spirit we will forge ahead and allow #OperationDorner to commence!

Chris Dorner Facebook Fan Pages

There is also a growing trend of FaceBook fan pages showing support for Chris Dorner.

Chris Dorner Facebook Fan Page

MSM's Response To Growing Support

It's gotten to the point that even main stream media has been responding to what seems like blatant support of a murderer. The whole situation begs the question of whether we are hearing the whole story. The unfortunate thing is that this man will most likely not survive long enought to have a day in trial and tell his side of the story seeing as how the LAPD is shooting first and asking questions never.

CBS - Support Growing For Christopher Dorner, Ex-LAPD Cop Hunted for Mass Killing

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Los Angeles Police To Reopen Case Against Christopher Dorner

Los Angeles Police To Reopen Case Against Christopher Dorner

The Los Angeles Police Department will reopen its investigation into the 2007 episode that led to the firing of Christopher J. Dorner, the former Los Angeles police officer who is wanted in three killings, department officials said Saturday night.

Mr. Dorner pledged revenge against Los Angeles police officers in a manifesto he posted online, in which he also claimed that racism in the department had led to his dismissal. He is wanted in connection with the killing of a former police captain’s daughter and her fiancĂ© last Sunday and the shooting death of a Riverside, Calif., police officer on Thursday morning.

“I feel we need to also publicly address Dorner’s allegations regarding his termination,” Police Chief Charlie Beck said in a written statement. “I do this not to appease a murderer. I do it to reassure the public that their Police Department is transparent and fair in all the things we do.”

Full Article at NY Times

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Krita Homepage

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Man faces Arrest For Speeding At 68 MPH - On A Skateboard

Man faces Arrest For Speeding At 68 MPH - On A Skateboard

A professional skateboarder is potentially facing jail time after uploading a video that purports to show him skating at an astounding 68 mph through the middle of traffic.

South African skater Decio Lourenco faces the charges after Cape Town city officials say his high-speed skating actually triggered a speed camera. The speed limit in the town Lourenco was skating through is reportedly 37 mph.

“All that was needed was for one of those motorists to panic and swerve into the oncoming traffic and you have a large number of deaths, as we have already had on that road, safety spokesman Jean-Pierre Smith, told the New York Daily News. "If we don't take action against him, every other aspirant skateboarder will try it and one of them will come to a sticky end."

Full Article at Yahoo News

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Possible Drone Attack On Christopher Dorner Causes A Stir On Twitter

Possible Drone Attack On Christopher Dorner Causes A Stir On Twitter

A proportionate response to hacking

Christopher Dorner, LAPD Corruption, And A Frightening Manifesto

Christopher Dorner Wanted For Murder

Monica Quan Murdered
Former LAPD officer and U.S. Navy reservist Christopher Jordan Dorner is a suspect in the killings of Monica Quan, 28, and Keith Lawrence, 27, who were found shot to death in their car at a parking structure Sunday night, Irvine police Chief David L. Maggard said at a news conference.

Monica Quan and her fiance Keith Lawrence were found shot to death in their car. (AP)
Maggard says Dorner implicated himself in the killings with a multi-page manifesto he wrote that was obtained by police, but no further details were given on the manifesto or its contents.

Police do not know Dorner's whereabouts, and authorities were seeking the public's help in finding the suspect.

"We have strong cause to believe Dorner is armed and dangerous," Maggard said, adding anyone who sees the suspect should immediately call 911.

Full Article at CBS

Dorner Targets Police, Motives Revealed

Chris Dorner
Three officers were shot -- two in Riverside, one in Corona -- Thursday morning, and all of the shootings are likely connected to Christopher Dorner, a former LAPD officer wanted in connection with a double slaying last weekend in Irvine. The homicide involved a former LAPD officer's daughter and her fiancé.

During a 10 a.m. news conference, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck characterized the rampage as a "vendetta against all of Southern California law enforcement."

Full Article at NBC

So what is this "vendetta" that Chief Beck is talking about? Apparently Dorner was fired shortly after blowing the whistle on a fellow cop who was witnessed kicking a handcuffed schizophrenic man who was being taken in to custody. This event combined with 5 years of corruption witnessed within the LAPD has apparently made this ex-cop snap. He claims in the manifesto he posted online that LAPD has ruined his name and life and now has nothing to lose and no fear of dying.

The Manifesto

Dorner left a scathing account of LAPD's misconduct and corruption in his manifesto, including widespread racism and plenty of excessive use of force. He's demanding a public statement by the LAPD clearing his name. Here's some of the more interesting sections.

A name is more than just a noun, verb, or adjective. It’s your life, your legacy, your journey, sacrifices, and everything you’ve worked hard for every day of your life as and adolescent, young adult and adult. Don’t let anybody tarnish it when you know you’ve live up to your own set of ethics and personal ethos.

During the BOR, the department attempted to label me unsuccessfully as a bully. They stated that I had bullied a recruit, XXXX, in the academy when in reality and unfounded disposition from the official 1.28 formal complaint investigation found that I was the one who stood up for XXXX when other recruits sang nazi hitler youth songs about burning Jewish ghettos in WWII Germany where his father was a survivor of a concentration camp. How fucking dare you attempt to label me with such a nasty vile word. I ask that all earnest journalist investigating this story ask Ofcr. XXXX about the incident when Ofcr. XXXX began singing a nazi youth song about burning jewish ghettos.

I ask that all journalist investigating this story submit request for FOIA with the LAPD to gain access to the BOR transcripts which occurred from 10/08 to 2/09. There, you will see that a video was played for the BOR members of Mr. XXXX who suffers from Schizophrenia and Dementia stating that he was kicked by a female officer. That video evidence supports my claim that XXXX kicked him twice in the upper body and once in the face. I would like all journalist to also request copies of all reports that I had written while employed by LAPD.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. How ironic that you utilize a fixed glass structure as your command HQ. You use as a luminous building to symbolize that you are transparent, have nothing to hide, or suppress when in essence, concealing, omitting, and obscuring is your forte.

When the truth comes out, the killing stops.

Terminating officers because they expose a culture of lying, racism (from the academy), and excessive use of force will immediately change. PSB can not police their own and that has been proven. The blue line will forever be severed and a cultural change will be implanted. You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Those of you who “go along to get along” have no backbone and destroy the foundation of courage. You are the enablers of those who are guilty of misconduct. You are just as guilty as those who break the code of ethics and oath you swore.

Self Preservation is no longer important to me. I do not fear death as I died long ago on 1/2/09. I was told by my mother that sometimes bad things happen to good people. I refuse to accept that.

Update - For those wondering about some of the acronyms, thanks to redditor jasnooo
ISR - Information, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
OSINT - intelligence collected from publicly available sources.
IMINT - intelligence gathering discipline which collects information via satellite and aerial photography.
HUMINT - intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources.
NIPR - US Military's "Non-classified IP Router Network," is used to exchange sensitive but unclassified information.

You can check out the full document here

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ahhhh... Karmic Equilibrium

AdvocateForLucifer did me right on my response to a /r/facepalm post

[–]AdvocateForLucifer 12 points13 points 16 hours ago

Karma Equilibrium

Original post

Thats Not Google

Monday, February 4, 2013

Malala, Pakistani Teen Taliban Attempted Killing For Promoting Education, Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

Bravery In The Face Of Extreme Violence

Malala Pakistani Teen Taliban Attempted Killing For Promoting Education, Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
Malala Yousufzai, the Pakistani girl who rose to international fame after the Taliban nearly killed her for her efforts to promote girls’ education, has been formally nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.

Her name was put forward by three members of the Norwegian parliament from the ruling Labor Party on their website Friday, which was the deadline for nominations.

Malala’s name was put forward because of "her courageous commitment to the right of girls to education. A commitment that seemed so threatening to the extremists that they chose to try and kill her," said parliamentarian Freddy de Ruiter on the Labor party web site.

Full Article at NBC Worldnews

[caption id="attachment_1611" align="aligncenter" width="160"]Nobel Prize Nobel Prize[/caption]

Profile of Malala Yousafzai Pakistani Girl Shot by the Taliban

Anonymous Posts Over 4000 US Bank Executive Credentials

Anonymous posts over 4000 US Bank Executive Credentials
Following attacks on U.S. government websites last weekend, Anonymous seems to have made a new "Operation Last Resort" .gov website strike Sunday night.

Anonymous appears to have published login and private information from over 4,000 American bank executive accounts in the name of its new Operation Last Resort campaign, demanding U.S. computer crime law reform.

A spreadsheet has been published on a .gov website allegedly containing login information and credentials, IP addresses, and contact information of American bank executives.

If true, it could be that Anonymous has released banker information that could be connected to Federal Reserve computers, including contact information and cell phone numbers for U.S. bank Presidents, Vice Presidents, COO's Branch Managers, VP's and more.

The website used in this attack belongs to the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center (ACJIC). The page extension URL is titled, "oops-we-did-it-again."

Full Article at ZDNet

They posted the dox on originally but when I checked it, the entire site was down.

A few short tweets later, another post on another government website, this one up with the questions demanded regarding the treatment of Aaron Swartz

And then another post of the dox, this one still up, on yet another government server.

The hack seems to be a follow up to the attack on the DoJ website last week, here's the full press release from Anonymous thats been circuilating on YouTube