Saturday, February 2, 2013

Non Tipping Pastor Bell's Website Hacked After Reddit Backlash

Meanwhile in Reddit-land it only takes 2 days for a pic to go viral, public apologies made on msm, and backlash from hackers.

Non Tipping Pastor Bell's Website Hacked After Reddit Backlash


  1. It might be said that it's too late to join the 21st (media driven) century. You're either here already or you're a victim waiting to happen.

  2. This is true, I believe that fact is a big reason we are seeing a resurgence of fundamentalist religious groups. It's kind of hard to go with the times when your moral compass is so dated as to be rusted in one position.

  3. I don't know that it's rusted in place, I'm not sure how compass made out of rock from the Flinstones rock quarry.
