Friday, January 11, 2013

Sun Sentinel Caught In Lie About Location Of Navy Jet "Chaff" Drops

I spent today at work marveling at the amount of trails in the sky, it seemed like every 5 minutes there was another fighter jet crossing the sky leaving trails of what they are calling chaff in their wake. Then on the way home I stop to at my local corner store to grab some beer and lo and behold whats on the front cover?

Sun Sentinel - January 11, 2013

The article seems innocuous enough with nice diagrams explaining the drift of this chaff and pics of the aluminum-coated glass fibers that are being dropped. That is until you read what they are claiming.

On radar, it looks like rain.

But it's really clouds of aluminum-coated glass fibers called chaff. And this week, US Navy jets have been dropping the stuff as part of a military training exercise near Key West.

"If the winds aloft are strong enough, it can get as far as Palm Beach County," Meteorologist Barry Baxter said. "When we do our precipitation totals, it does count as rain sometimes."

Sun Sentinel Article Online

But you see the problem with this story is that it is very misleading if not outright lying. I work in Deerfield Beach which is over 200 miles from where the Sun Sentinel is claiming these Navy jets are dropping chaff. I could understand seeing these trails drift over the area, ok, that seems legit. But you claim they are flying around Key West in these exercises, yet I'm watching them fly over Deerfield all day 200 miles away, get your facts straight, people believe what your journalists write without question. Where's the integrity?

Deerfield to Key West

Yet I am seeing this all day, why lie Sun Sentinel, or were you just misinformed?

Navy Chaff Trails
Navy Chaff Trails
Navy Chaff Trails

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